Website Embedding

A guide to website embedding, why it is important, and how to embed Playeasy to your website.

What is website embedding?

Why would I want to embed Playeasy to my website?

How to embed Playeasy to your website

What is website embedding?

Website embedding refers to the integration of links to your website. Embedding Playeasy into your website means that you will have a visual button on your website that would direct people to your venue map on Playeasy.  

Why would I want to embed Playeasy to my website?

Embedding Playeasy to your website would offer many benefits. Here are a few:

  • Money. You can save thousands of dollars by having Playeasy function as your website's facility marketplace, upcoming events calendar, or local business marketplace. You no longer need to hire  someone to build out your Marketplaces to highlight your Destination. We can do this for you with a click of a button. 
  • Time. Embedding Playeasy on your website takes about 30 seconds. You also can edit information in real time with ease. Anything you update your Playeasy profile, your website will autonomically update on your embedded link. You'll no longer need to ask your IT department to make updates, which can take months, or pay out of pocket for someone to edit. 
  • Views. Our analytics speaks for itself. You are more likely to be viewed on Playeasy if you embed Playeasy on your website. 
  • Message. If an Event Organizer is interested in your Destination or Facility, they can message you directly on the platform in seconds. They no longer have to navigate the website in hope they find contact information. 

How to embed Playeasy to your website

Syncing Playeasy to you website is simple! Here is a step by step guide of how to embed Playeasy to your website:

  1. Navigate to the public view of your Destination Profile
  2. Select either the 'Facilities', 'Upcoming Events', 'Places to Eat, Stay & Play' or 'Posts' tabs
  3. Add '/feed' to the end of the URL
    1. For example on a Facilities tab, the URL should look like this: 
  4. Depending on your Web Host, you will either need to copy & paste the URL or copy & paste the 'XML' file generated from Playeasy. 

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