Search Results & Rank

In this article:


How Users Find You

When Event Organizers search for athletic spaces, they either select Facilities directly based on their search results in the Facility and Destination Marketplaces, or submit a Destination RFP to all Facilities & Destinations that meet their requirements. Where you appear in search results is determined by your activity on Playeasy, and if your profile is complete.

Your rank in the search result matters because Event Organizers are more likely to view your profile if you’re near the top of results. 


When Your Facility is Seen

Your facility shows up in Playeasy's Facility Marketplace when:

  • Your Facility's specifications/spaces fit a user's search requirements
  • Your Facility's location fits a user's search

Increase Your Visibility

As you provide a good customer experience, you’ll earn yourself a rank better too — they go hand in hand.  The higher you rank, the more Event Organizers that will find your Facility.  Here are some other ways to increase your visibility:

  • Complete your profile - Add photos, a logo & a detailed description
  • Be responsive on the platform
  • Add the Playeasy Button to your website. Learn how to do so here.