You've got questions, we've got answers.
- Does our Playeasy profile take views away from our website?
- What if the content is already on our website?
- Why should we share our existing content on Playeasy?
Does our Playeasy profile take views away from our website?
Tip: We recommend that you include these numbers in your analytics calculations since they represent engagement with your content across different platforms. This integrated approach enhances your reach and strengthens your brand presence online.
What if the content is already on our website?
Even if the content is already on your website, uploading it to your Playeasy profile is highly beneficial. While it may feel like a big initial lift to upload your content, our team is here to assist you every step of the way. Once you upload the content to your Playeasy destination profile, it automatically populates on your subpages, saving you countless hours in the long run. Additionally, sharing your destination's local attractions, hotels, and promotions on Playeasy creates an excellent visitor experience for event participants and spectators. It also showcases to event organizers everything your destination offers, enhancing its appeal and driving more interest.
Tip: If you're interested in connecting your Playeasy content to your website, we have widgets available as add-ons and elements coming soon. Learn more about integrating Playeasy into your website here.
Why should we share our existing content on Playeasy?
Sharing your existing content on Playeasy is a strategic move to enhance your reach within the highly targeted sports tourism industry. Think of Playeasy as another powerful channel to amplify your content to a specific and engaged audience. Additionally, any content you share on Playeasy dynamically syncs with your subpages, creating a seamless and great user experience for visitors to your destination. This not only increases visibility but also ensures that your information is easily accessible, enhancing the appeal and convenience for event participants, spectators, and organizers alike.
Tip: Some examples of great content on Playeasy include upcoming venue availability, past event highlights, upcoming events you're excited to host, and top things to do in your Destination.