Liking on Playeasy

This article will walk you through an introduction to liking on Playeasy and why it is beneficial to Playeasy users.

What can I 'like'?

You can 'like' any Playeasy Facility Profile, Event Page, Local Business Profile,  or RFP that interests you. There is no limit to how many profiles/pages you can like, so feel free to 'like' any profile or page that you're interested in! 

How to 'like'?

To 'like' content on Playeasy, navigate to the profile/page on the platform. From there, simply click the '❤️ Like' button at the top of the page. 

Where can I see what I 'like'?

You can see the entire list of the pages/profiles you'like' on the 'Favorites' tab of your profile.

To navigate to your favorites tab, head to the 'Home' tab of your Playeasy profile. On the left-hand side beneath your personal profile, you should see 'Memberships' & 'Favorites'. Click on 'Favorites'. Here you will see a list of all of the profiles that you've bookmarked as 'Favorites' to have quick access to separated by their profile type. 

Why 'like'?

Liking pages/profiles is a great way to bookmark content of interest so you can navigate to them quickly from your 'Favorites' tab. 

Additionally, liking is a great way to alert an organization that you are interested in creating a connection with them. 

What happens when I 'like'?

When you 'like' a profile, the managers of the page will get alerted that they have a new 'like' on Playeasy.  The pages & profiles that you like will be stored in your 'Favorites' folder.

If an individual likes your profile/page, you will be alerted that you gained a new like. You can access the likes in 'Likes' tab on your profile dashboard. If you are interested in reaching out, you can click their name & send them a message through Playeasy.