Creating your Account

Welcome to Playeasy! Learn how to get started with a user account below.

In this article:

How do I create a personal user account?

SIgnup for Playeasy

Creating a Playeasy account is free and easy. *Your user account is unique to you, so each member of your team should have their own account*

  1. To start head to our homepage (
  2. Click Sign Up at the top right of the homepage.
  3. Enter your email address, name and password.
  4. Click Sign up to complete.

You can also log in with your Google, Facebook or Microsoft account. Just click the icon for Facebook, Microsoft or Google on the log in page to sign up!

Forgot your password?

Reset Password

No worries! It's quick & easy to change your password. 

  1. To change your password head to our homepage (
  2. Click 'Log In at the top right of the homepage.
  3. Select 'Forgot Password'
  4. Enter your email address and we will send you instructions to reset your password.
  5. Lookout for an email from 'Playeasy Platform' (

Not receiving an email? If you aren't receiving an email, this likely means you either still need to 'Sign up' for the platform or you signed up using Google or Microsoft. Reach out to our team & we can help!

Please contact if you have any further issues.


Forgot your email account?

No problem, we are here to help! Contact us at if you forgot and we will further assist you.