How to Research and Prospect the Marketplaces on Playeasy

Destinations can search, filter & communicate with the largest digital network of Event Organizers, RFPs & Events in the US. This article explains how to prospect and create new connections on Playeasy.

Let's dive into how to research and make new connections on the Playeasy platform as a Destination, starting with the Event Marketplace, followed by the Event Organizer Directory, and the RFP Marketplace. 

How to Navigate to the Marketplaces

Exploring the Event Marketplace

Making Connections through the Event Organizer Directory

Prospecting the RFP Marketplace

How to Navigate to the Marketplaces

  • Once you’ve successfully logged into the platform, click the 'Home' icon on the top right. This is your home base on Playeasy. Every action you need to take on the platform you can begin from here. On the right-hand side, the 'Quick Links' toolbar houses all of Playeasy’s Marketplaces and Directories for you to utilize for researching and prospecting. 

Exploring the Event Marketplace

  • First, click into the Event Marketplace to view all Events across the US on Playeasy. Here, you can research events by sport, season and organization. On the top right, change the order from 'Featured' first to sort by the newest added, or by start date. On the left, further filter your search by multiselecting sports of interest, entering a location or date range, or filter by registration type, event level, age group, gender, or event type. 
  • Research past events to gather data on when and where events are typically held by sport. Select a past date range by hitting the back arrows.
  • Click into events of interest to view their specifications and the organization, Destination, and Facility running this event. Click the contact on the right to start a conversation about hosting in the future.
  • You can also like this event to save for the future and let this Organization know you’re interested. 

    Making Connections through the Event Organizer Directory 

    • To prospect by sports organizations, click into the Event Organizer Directory. This displays all Event Organizations on Playeasy to research and start new connections.
    • On the left, search by organization name, select sports of interest, or further filter by age group, the regions these organizations are interested in running events, or by the event types they run.
    • On the top right, change your sort order to see the newest organizations on Playeasy first. Start new connections by welcoming these first groups to the platform! Or, change your sort order to see the Last Updated organization profiles first. This will pull up the groups who have been most recently active on Playeasy, meaning they are most likely to respond to your outreach.
    • Click into profiles of interest to learn more about the events they host and check out open RFPs. Click 'follow' at the top to save this profile and alert them of your interest. Scroll down to read about their Organization, check out supportive documents, and view their average economic impact and typical event information. 
    • At the top, click into the 'Upcoming Events' tab to see the events they currently have on the calendar. Next, click the 'RFPs' tab to check out their open, active RFPs on Playeasy and start conversations. 

    Prospecting the RFP Marketplace

    • Head to the RFP Marketplace to prospect all public, open RFPs on the platform. Filter by specific sports you’d like to bring in, or search by dates you know your facilities have available. Switch your sort order to sort by newest added or the event start date. Like RFPs of interest and click into RFPs to learn more. On the RFP page, view the event requirements, projected participant numbers, and more.
    • Click into the organization profile to learn more about this group and click on the contact to send a quick message.  

    Need an assist? We're here to help! Contact us here anytime.