Why didn't I get my email notification?

Make sure your email address is correct

We might be sending emails to an old or incorrect email address. To see or change the email address associated with your account, log in to your Playeasy account from a desktop computer and follow the steps below:

  1. Go to Edit Profile on your Account Page.
  2. Look for the Email Address field. Make sure your address is correct.
  3. If it’s incorrect, contact support@playeasy.com so we can help you set up the correct email.

    Search all messages in your email inbox

    Sometimes emails can get lost in your inbox. In your email account, search for terms like "Playeasy",  "verification", or other words related to the email you're looking for.

    Check your spam and other email filters

    It's possible your email provider mistakenly sent our messages to your spam or junk folder. To avoid this:

    • Remove Playeasy messages from your spam list
    • Add support@playeasy.com and no-reply@playeasy.com to your personal email address book

    If you have other filters or routing rules in your email account that may have sorted Playeasy emails elsewhere, be sure to check those, too.

    Check for issues with your email service provider

    Depending on your provider, emails can take up to a few hours to be delivered. If undelivered or delayed emails continue to be an issue, check with your provider to see if there are any configuration issues or problems with their network that might be affecting your account.